Active campaigns to raise brand awareness and conversion.


Dyson Australia were looking for a bespoke national demonstration program, to facilitate current and new products across multiple categories.  We needed to ensure we were allowing for an innovative technology focus across all categories in the Dyson portfolio.  

Dyson have a solid and consistent research and development strategy globally which demanded a nimble, strategic and intelligent face to face sales plan, to support their strong network of retailers in Australia. Our approach was simple, and that was to find the right people for the right stores supporting and demonstrating the right product to find the right solution for customers. 

Dyson being across multiple categories was not something for the faint hearted.  We hit the ground running and very quickly adopted our personalised approach and moved as one with Dyson.  Their pace, like many premium global brands is beyond fast, we set the pace for our team and continue to manage expectations with a calm and measured style.  Knowing our business and working hard to ensure we know Dyson’s business, ensuring we hit all metrics each and every quarter is our promise.  Working with a growing brand with incredible technology is a privilege and our team strive each day for more and more success.

Dyson’s mission is simple solve the problems others seem to ignore. 


mesh marketing dyson demostrator
mesh marketing dyson team